中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园(以下简称“版纳植物园”)是隶属于中国科学院的综合性研究机构,立足中国热带,面向我国西南地区和东南亚国家,开展以森林生态学、资源植物学和保护生物学为主要研究方向的科学研究、物种保存和科普教育,促进生物多样性保护和可持续发展。版纳植物园设有中国科学院热带森林生态学重点实验室、中国科学院热带植物资源可持续利用重点实验室、综合保护中心3个研究单元42个研究组,建有公共技术中心、科技信息中心、中国科学院西双版纳热带雨林生态系统研究站(云南省勐腊县)、中国科学院哀牢山森林生态系统研究站(云南省景东县)、西双版纳热带植物园元江干热河谷生态站(云南省元江县)、标本馆、种子库、作物保护与育种基地等科研支撑单元以及中国植物园联合保护计划、中国科学院东南亚生物多样性研究中心两个跨所联盟办公室。版纳植物园目前收集活植物13,000 多种,建有38个植物专类园区,保存有一片面积约250公顷的原始热带雨林,是我国面积最大、收集物种最丰富、植物专类园区最多的植物园,也是世界上户外保存植物种数和向公众展示的植物类群数最多的植物园。
版纳植物园以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,按照中国科学院“四个率先”和“两加快一努力”要求,已完成科研项目1400 余项,取得国家级、省部级成果奖励110余项,发表学术论文4700余篇,申请专利170余项,授权专利110余项,主编出版专著近50余部。与国内120多个植物园、大学以及国际上50多个国家(地区、国际组织)建立了广泛的交流与合作,国内外影响不断扩大。
1. 在国内外知名大学、科研院所即将毕业的博士研究生或获博士学位未满3年人员,年龄一般应在35周岁以下,品学兼优,身体健康。
2. 具有良好的政治思想素质和思想道德水平,遵纪守法,无不良记录;有强烈的事业心和责任心,对科研有浓厚兴趣并具备独立从事科研工作的能力。
3. 具有生物学、生态学及相关专业知识背景,英语水平好。
2. 经合作导师同意后,参加招聘面试。具体请详询人事处。
3. 通过面试后的具体申请流程和提交材料请按照版纳植物园博士后流动站“服务指南”要求操作(或详询人事处。
联 系 人:方老师
电 话:0691-8713001
传 真:0691-8715070
Calls for Postdoctoral Fellows in XTBG, CAS
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is one of the most prestigious tropical botanical gardens in China and a modern and international institution committed to provide a quality learning environment for its students and the community. With Yunnan Province as its focal working area, XTBG probes into the impact of human activities and climate change on ecosystem structures and services as well as the endangerment mechanisms of species. Effective conservation, sustainable development and the utilization of biological resources are the primary goals of XTBG. Its scientific research focuses on Forest Ecosystem Ecology, Conservation Biology and Resource Plant Development.
XTBG is home to CAS Key Laboratory of Tropical Forest Ecology, CAS Key Laboratory of Tropical Plant Resources and Sustainable Use, Center for Integrative Conservation, two national field research stations across Yunnan (Xishuangbanna Tropical Rainforest Ecosystem Station and Ailaoshan Station for Forest Ecosystem Studies), Yuanjiang Hot and Dry Valley Observation Station, Public Technology Service Center, Germplasm Bank for Rare and Endangered Plants, Tropical Plant Herbarium, Department of Gardening and Horticulture, Department of Tourism Management, Department of Science Communication and Training, Jingdong Subtropical Botanical Garden, and Preservation and Breeding Base of Crops, etc.
XTBG is seeking postdoctoral fellows in Forest Ecosystem Ecology, Conservation Biology and Resource Plant Development with competitive salaries. Come and join us!
1. Major in Ecology, Biology or related fields. Have a PhD degree within 3 years of applying, and be in good health. The candidate should be under the age of 35 for first-time postdoctoral research applicants.
2. The candidate should abide by the PCR laws and have no criminal records; have a strong sense of professionalism and responsibility, a strong interest in scientific research and the ability in scientific research independently.
3. Strong English skills are an advantage.
1.XTBG will provide a research start-up fund 200,000 RMB to each post doctor. The annual salary of post-doctoral fellow is 200,000 RMB to 300,000 RMB.
2.Multiple opportunities to get additional research funding and awards from various sources.
3.Excellent post-doctoral fellows will have priority to get XTBG faculty position with competitive salary after they pass the final assessment.
1. Applications should be submitted by email to the cooperating professor with the following documents appended:
(1) CV including contact details for two referees
(2) PDFs of up to five representative publications
(3) Scanned copy of passport information page
(4) Scanned copy of PhD certificate
(5) Research proposal (developed with the cooperating professor)
(6) Recommendation letters provided by two referees holding the title of professor, one of whom should be the main PhD supervisor of the applicant.
2. After the application is approved by cooperating professor, the applicant should join a recruitment interview. Please contact XTBG HR Office for more details.
3. After passing the interview, the applicant will be required to submit additional documents. For details, please contact XTBG HR Office.
Ms. Chun-Yan Fang
Office of Human Resources,
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, P. R. China
Tel:(+86 691) 8713 001
Fax: (+86 691) 8715 070