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My work focuses on plant functional traits and eco-physiology, particularly in water relations and hydraulics. My primary project is on physiological and ecological characteristics and drought response of tropical dipterocarp plants(DIPTEROCAPACEAE).


2016.07- 2023.06, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences,MSc-PhD of Ecology (CAS-TWAS grant for PhD programme) (supervisor: Prof. Jiaolin Zhang, Yajun Chen)

2012.07-2016.06, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Bachelor of Forestry

Academic position

2023.07- present, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoctoral Fellow (supervisor: Prof. Yajun Chen)

Grants and Research Projects

1.  国家基金委国际青年科学家项目(RFIS: Research Fund for International Young Scientists):Water relations and ecological adaptations of Parashorea chinensis at different growth stages,PHISAMAI MAENPUEN,01/01/2025 - 12/31/2026,直接经费 40 万;

2.  2024云南省“彩云博士后计划”博士后创新项目,一等资助,PHISAMAI MAENPUEN,直接经费 30 万;

3.  2024中国博士后科学基金,面上项目,PHISAMAI MAENPUEN,经费 8 万;

4.  云南省科技计划项目:智汇云南计划-青年科学家-青年企业家,PHISAMAI MAENPUEN, 经费 9 万;

5.  国家外国专家项目,PHISAMAI MAENPUEN,直接经费 20 万。

Participation in Research Projects

1.   NSFC project. Hydraulic strategies and drought responses of woody plants in dry-hot and humid-hot habitats (No. 32371576). 2024/01-2027/12.

2.  NSFC project. Water relations of tropical Parashorea chinensis rainforests and their response to extreme drought events (No. 32071735). 2021/01-2024/12.

3.  NSFC-TRF joint project. The response of typical forests to climate change and climate variability along a latitudinal gradient: a case study on E101 longitude dynamic plots belt. (No. 41861144016); 2019/01-2021/12. 

4.  CAS-TWAS grant for PhD programme (2019), Host.

Publications (#,co-first author,*, correspondence author)

1.  Chen YJ#, Maenpuen P#, Zhang JL*, Zhang YJ*. Remaining uncertainties in the Pneumatic method. New Phytologist. 2023, 237(2):384-391. (#, co-first author)

2.  Kongjarat W#, Han L#, Aritsara AAN*, Zhang, SB, Zhao GJ, Zhang YJ, Maenpuen P, Li YM, Zou YK, Li MY, Li XN, Tao LB, Chen YJ*. Hydraulic properties and drought response of a tropical bamboo (Cephalostachyum pergracile). Plant Diversity, 2023,  46(3):406-415.

3.  Maenpuen P, Katabuchi M*, Onoda Y, Zhou C, Zhang JL*, Chen YJ, Sources and consequences of mismatch betIen leaf disc and whole-leaf leaf mass per area (LMA). American Journal of Botany. 2022, 109(8):1242-1250. (With cover story)

4.  Shen JX, Zhang YJ*, Maenpuen P, Zhang SB, Zhang L, Yang L, Tao LB, Yan PY, Zhang ZM, Li SQ, Yuan X, Kongjarat W, Kaewkamol S, Tinprabat P, Chen YJ*. Response of four evergreen savanna shrubs to an incidence of extreme drought: High embolism resistance, branch shedding, and maintenance of nonstructural carbohydrates. Tree Physiology. 2022, 42(4):740-753.

5.  Chen YJ#,*, Maenpuen P#, Zhang YJ*, Barai K, Katabuchi M, Gao H, Sasiwimol K, Tao LB, Zhang JL*. Quantifying vulnerability to embolism in tropical trees and lianas using five methods: Can discrepancies be explained by xylem structural traits? New Phytologist. 2021, 229(2):805-819. (#, co-first author) 

6.  Chen YJ, Choat B, Sterck F*, Maenpuen P, Katabuchi M, Zhang SB, Tomlinson KW, Oliveira RS, Zhang YJ, Shen JX, Cao KF, Jansen S Hydraulic prediction of drought-induced plant dieback and top-kill depends on leaf habit and growth form. Ecology Letters. 2021, 24:2350-2363.

7.  Gao H, Chen YJ*, Zhang YJ, Maenpuen P, Lv S, Zhang JL*. Vessel length determination using silicone and air injection: Are there artifacts? Tree Physiology. 2019, 39: 1783-1791.