您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园子站群! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Ophiorrhiza ravifolia (Rubiaceae), a new endemic species discovered in Naga-Kabasalan Protected Landscape (NKPL),   Zamboanga Peninsula, southwestern Philippines    

作者:Mark, A.K.N., and Grecebio, J.D.A.

标题:Ophiorrhiza ravifolia (Rubiaceae), a new endemic species discovered in Naga-Kabasalan Protected Landscape (NKPL),   Zamboanga Peninsula, southwestern Philippines    


卷册:2024, 2024: e04311


Continued extensive field exploration in Zamboanga Peninsula (Philippines) revealed a new endemic Ophiorrhiza species, which is herein described from Naga-Kabasalan Protected Landscape (NKPL) of Zamboanga Sibugay. The species is unique among Philippine Ophiorrhiza by having leaf lamina with gray to silver gray abaxial surface. The new species is morphologically similar to O. pubescens and O. erythropilosa by having hairy overall morphology, but it is easily distinguished by having a creeping to decumbent habit and inconspicuous, membranous bracts. A detailed description, color photographs, phenology, geographical distribution, habitat and IUCN conservation status are provided in this paper.
