您好!欢迎访问中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园子站群! 2022/04/06 上午9:17:24 星期三

Taxonomic studies of Araceae in Myanmar VI: Amorphophallus mirabilis – a new species and a new  record for the genus Amorphophallus

作者:Mark, A.K.N., Khant, Z.H., Michael, S. & Wilbert, H.

标题:Taxonomic studies of Araceae in Myanmar VI: Amorphophallus mirabilis – a new species and a new  record for the genus Amorphophallus


卷册:2023, 2023: e04238


Amorphophallus mirabilis is herein described and illustrated from Hpa-an District, Kayin State, Myanmar. A detailed description, colour plates, phenology, and a provisional conservation status are provided. In addition, A. napalensis is reported as a newly recorded species for Myanmar. With the discovery of the new species and A. napalensis, Myanmar now holds 17 Amorphophallus species.
